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lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

Typical Indian ceremonies


In the Hindu world the name is more than a reference differentiation or purely aesthetic . It has been ascribed to a religious value and name it has been believed that influences an individual's life.
The religious connection is giving the newborn the name of a deity ora saint whose protection is sought. It may be the patron deity of the month in which born or one of the names of God preferred by their families. This process is very developed and includes specific variations. One of them is choosing a secret name , used to cover the personality and well appointed protect him from his enemies , and is habitual one
middle name for distinction in the worldly life . Another peculiarity is the social influence of breed on the name. Thus, the name of a Brahmin priest should be auspicious and a religious sense , the name indicate strength of a warrior , the dealer , wealth and prosperity, etc. Thus homogeneity between proper names and surnames is set distinctive of each breed .
The baptism ceremony called namakarana can take place between tenth day after birth and the year, depending on the area . It must be a favorable day, avoiding eclipses and periods of mourning.
The rites begin with the purification of the house, to clean it of impurities birth. It wraps the child in clean clothes and the mother gives it to the father. The ceremony to propitiate the gods before the sacred fire occurs, through offerings of fruits, milk, butter, candy and flowers. Formulas are recited mystical and the father calls his son with the chosen name.
This is a social event of great importance and is mandatory to invite all family members and associates, and to present them with gifts, feed Brahmins and perform charity work on behalf of the newly baptized .


The tonsure ceremony is one of the most important of which are made during childhood. Chûdâkarana called and takes place between the first and third year of the child, but can be carried out in conjunction with baptism. The purpose of this custom is hygienic nature to avoid parasites and helps prolong life.
The date is fixed according to the aspects of the planets and the rite is performed in the home, but can also be done in the temple. After making offerings to the god Ganesha , Mother bathes the child and wears no clothes Brand . Is placed west of the sacrificial fire and the hair was smeared with a Mix butter , yogurt and water. He shaves his head three times in succession and is left a small tuft on top that vary according to the customs family.
Other important ceremonies during childhood are:
The first exit nishkarma or child outside the parental home . Aims print in the child's mind the grandeur of the universe, which is a creation God and should be respected as well . 
The Annaprashana or first solid food ingested. It takes place in the sixth month or after teething.
The ceremony karnavedha or ear piercing , practiced equally in males and females. Aside from its aesthetic value , there is a belief the perforation of the lobes help prevent hidroceles and hernias.


The initiation ceremony or upanayana is a rite of passage of character education by which the first value is to a citizen is cultural. This ceremony allows the study of literary and philosophical texts of Hindus.
The upanayana is the most important of the sacraments. Is considered the start of the spiritual life, a second birth and those who are called dvija made ​. After religious offerings, the meaning of the rite is the acceptance of the student by part of a master or guru , who will take care of their instruction . This rite is shuddhi called. The age of the future varies started caste and religion. They worship the god Ganesha and Saraswati to , goddess of wisdom. The night before the ritual , the young must I watch in silence , his body covered with sandalwood paste , then great food and a ritual bath . The student wears special clothes and get a sacred cord , called yajnopavita or janeu , cotton or linen , filled with symbolic elements that will carry on all occasions . The cord usually carried on the shoulder , left arm above and below the right.
Complementing this rite is performed or the beginning of vedârambha
Vedic studies and the first keshanta or shaving .

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